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Events for Nov 6, 2011 - Nov 12, 2011
Sunday, November 6, 2011
  -  DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME ENDS - back 1 hour 
7:30 AM  - 8:45 AM Morning Worship Service 
8:45 AM  - 9:15 AM Breakfast  (Nurses Guild)
9:00 AM  - 10:15 AM Leadership Conference Meeting 
9:15 AM  - 10:15 AM Sunday School 
9:30 AM  - 9:00 AM Lindan Qtr Communion  (Singles Ministry)
10:30 AM  - 12:00 PM Nursery (Child Care -Infants up to age 3) 
10:30 AM  - 12:00 PM Worship Service 
10:30 AM  - 12:30 PM Agape Church  
5:00 PM  - 6:30 PM Face to Face with a Holy God-Isaiah  (Baptist Training Union)
Monday, November 7, 2011
5:00 PM  - 9:00 PM Rehearsal  (Bronze Voices (Hand Bells))
6:00 PM  - 8:00 PM FBCHP Bookstore 
6:30 PM  - 8:00 PM Annie Pearl Foster Children's Center 
6:30 PM  - 8:00 PM AOP leader 
7:00 PM  - 8:00 PM Boy Scouts/Cub Scouts 
7:00 PM  - 8:00 PM Fitness Class 
7:00 PM  - 9:00 PM Male Chorus Rehearsal  (Male Chorus)
7:00 PM  - 9:00 PM Bible Study 
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
6:00 PM  - 8:00 PM FBCHP Bookstore 
6:00 PM  - 9:00 PM Rehearsal  (Instruments of Praise (Orchestra))
7:00 PM  - 8:00 PM Singles Bible Study  (Singles Ministry)
7:00 PM  - 8:00 PM Fitness Class 
7:00 PM  - 9:00 PM Rehearsal  (Unified Choir)
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
5:30 PM  - 8:00 PM Awana Sessions  (AWANA)
6:00 PM  - 8:00 PM FBCHP Bookstore 
6:30 PM  - 7:00 PM Sonshine Choir Rehearsal  (Angles of Praise (Dance))
6:30 PM  - 8:00 PM Dinner and a Word  (Young Women's Council)
6:30 PM  - 8:00 PM Group Mentoring Program (GMP) Bi-monthly Meeting  (Scholarship Ministry)
6:30 PM  - 8:00 PM Annie Pearl Foster Children's Center 
7:00 PM  - 7:55 PM Rehearsal  (Voices of Hope Youth Choir)
7:00 PM  - 8:00 PM Young Women's Council  (Young Women's Council)
7:00 PM  - 8:00 PM Sunday School Teacher's Meeting  (Sunday School)
7:00 PM  - 8:00 PM Mission #2  (Girls in Action (GA))
7:00 PM  - 8:00 PM Mission #1  (Mission )
7:00 PM  - 8:00 PM Yoke Fellows Men's Bible Study 
8:00 PM  - 9:00 PM Mid-Week Service 
Thursday, November 10, 2011
6:00 PM  - 8:00 PM FBCHP Bookstore 
7:00 PM  - 8:00 PM Fitness Ministry 
Friday, November 11, 2011
  -  Holiday: Veteran's Day 
Saturday, November 12, 2011
  - 10:30 AM Monthly Meeting  (First Friends)
8:00 AM  - 10:30 AM Safety Team Training  (Deacons)
10:00 AM  - 11:00 AM Ministers Monthly Meeting 
10:30 AM  - 11:30 AM Family Ministry Leader's Meeting  (Family Ministry)
3:00 PM  - 6:00 PM Community Service Project/Homeless Ministry  (Male Chorus)
5:00 PM  - 5:30 PM Walking In the Word Weekly Broadcast 
Calendar_week.asp?InfoCalendar=2006%2D02&day=2010%2D11%2D09 Calendar_week.asp?InfoCalendar=2006%2D02&day=2012%2D11%2D09    

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