Sunday, May 29, 2011
7:30 AM
- 8:45 AM |
Morning Worship Service
8:45 AM
- 9:15 AM |
(Nurses Guild) |
9:15 AM
- 10:15 AM |
Sunday School
10:30 AM
- 12:00 PM |
Worship Service
10:30 AM
- 12:00 PM |
Nursery - Closed
10:30 AM
- 12:30 PM |
Agape Church
5:00 PM
- 6:30 PM |
Church Training Union
(Baptist Training Union) |
Monday, May 30, 2011
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Church Closed - Memorial Day
- |
Holiday: Memorial Day
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
6:00 PM
- 8:00 PM |
FBCHP Bookstore
6:00 PM
- 9:00 PM |
(Instruments of Praise (Orchestra)) |
7:00 PM
- 8:00 PM |
Bible Study
(Singles Ministry) |
7:00 PM
- 8:00 PM |
Fitness Class
7:00 PM
- 9:00 PM |
Choir Rehearsal
(Unified Choir) |
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
6:00 PM
- 7:00 PM |
Youth Explosion Sub-Committee - Host/Hostess
(Agape Ministries) |
6:00 PM
- 8:00 PM |
FBCHP Bookstore
6:15 PM
- 7:00 PM |
Monthly Meeting
(Young Ladies of Purpose) |
6:30 PM
- 7:00 PM |
(Angles of Praise (Dance)) |
6:30 PM
- 8:00 PM |
Annie Pearl Foster Children's Center
7:00 PM
- 7:55 PM |
(Voices of Hope Youth Choir) |
7:00 PM
- 8:00 PM |
Young Women's Council
(Young Women's Council) |
7:00 PM
- 8:00 PM |
Sunday School Teacher's Meeting
(Sunday School) |
7:00 PM
- 8:00 PM |
Mission #2
(Girls in Action (GA)) |
7:00 PM
- 8:00 PM |
Mission #1
(Mission ) |
7:00 PM
- 8:00 PM |
Yoke Fellows Men's Bible Study
8:00 PM
- 9:00 PM |
Mid-Week Service
Thursday, June 2, 2011
6:00 PM
- 8:00 PM |
FBCHP Bookstore
6:30 PM
- 8:00 PM |
6:45 PM
- 7:45 PM |
Vacation Bible School Staff Meeting
(Agape Ministries) |
7:00 PM
- 8:00 PM |
Fitness Ministry
Friday, June 3, 2011
6:30 PM
- 9:30 PM |
Youth Explosion - "Friday Night Live"
(Agape Ministries) |
7:00 PM
- 8:00 PM |
Monthly Fellowship - Bowling w/FBCHP League
(Singles Ministry) |
Saturday, June 4, 2011
9:00 AM
- 1:00 PM |
Dress Measuring Event for Choir Dress
(Angelic Choir (Women)) |
10:00 AM
- 11:00 AM |
11:00 AM
- 12:00 PM |
Prayer With Pastor
1:00 PM
- 3:00 PM |
Code of Honor
5:00 PM
- 5:30 PM |
Walking In the Word Weekly Broadcast